
A document database written in Clojure


Build Status

This project is maintained by robashton


Craven automatically indexes content that goes into it using a set of heuristics based around size/types/etc. This means that arbitrary queries on the documents stored inside Craven should mostly be relatively fast.

There is an ability to customise this process, but this is remaining a closed and undocumented API until it is requested for a good reason. This whole section is definitely subject to change, and can be considered as temporary at best.

So we've got a database called instance, and we've put a load of documents in it which are permutations of this wonderful thing here...

  :name "Pinkie Pie"
  :description "Pinkie Pie is the best pony ever and anybody who disagrees better think that about Rainbow Dash instead"
  :cutiemark "Balloons"
  :colour :pink
  :bestpony: true
  :episodes 133
  :catchphases [ "this is the best day ever" "let's have a party" ]

There is a namespace to help build queries, bringing this in is usually a good idea.

(require '[cravendb.querylanguage :refer :all])

Our first query

Let's find all the pink ponies

(db/query instance { :filter (=? :colour :pink) })

Let's find all the ponies that were in more than 10 episodes

(db/query instance { :filter (>? :episodes 10) })

How about any pony with a catch-phrase with "party" in it

(db/query instance { :filter (has-word? :catchphrases "party") })

We can combine queries and perform negations with the standard AND/OR/NOTs

Pink ponies who know how to party

(db/query instance { :filter (AND (=? :colour :pink) (has-word? :catchphrases "party")) } )

A complete list of the conditions we can filter on

; Is k greater than v?
(>? [k v])
; Is k smaller than v?
(<? [k v]) 
; Is k equal to v?
(=? [k v]) 
; Is k greater than or equal to v?
(>=? [k v]) 
; is k smaller than or equal to v?
(<=? [k v]) 
; Does k start with v?
(starts-with? [k v]) 
; Does k have the word 'v' in it?
(has-word? [k v])
; Does k have a word starting with v?
(has-word-starting-with? [k v])
; Does the collection k have value v?
(has-item? [k v])
; Are all of these conditions true?
(AND [& v])
; Are any of these conditions true?
(OR [& v])
; This condition must not be true
(NOT [& v])

The other options supported by (db/query) along with their default sare

(db/query instance {  :index "default" ;; The index to use for this query
                      :wait-duration 5 ;; How long to wait for the index to become non-stale (if wait is true)
                      :wait false      ;; Whether to wait for the index to become non-stale
                      :filter "*"      ;; The filter to apply to the query (by default, everything)
                      :sort-order :asc ;; The default sort-order (ascending)
                      :sort-by nil     ;; The field to sort by (default, by best-match)
                      :offset 0        ;; For paging, how many results to skip
                      :amount 1000     ;; For paging, how many results to request
