
A document database written in Clojure


Build Status

This project is maintained by robashton

Getting started

There are a few ways we can use Craven, in order of increasing complexity

This little getting started guide will focus on the first one, so we can get to grips with "how Craven works", the client API for the above scenarios are the same apart from the set-up.

Getting it into your project


[cravendb "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


compile "cravendb:cravendb:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"



"Connecting" to a database

No matter how we use Craven, we need to create a handle to the database. This is designed to be created once on application start-up and then used for the lifetime of the application.

To create an in-memory database, we can use the code

(require '[cravendb.embedded :as embedded])
(def instance (embedded/create))

To create an embedded database that is backed to disk

(require '[cravendb.embedded :as embedded])
(def instance (embedded/create :path "/some/path"))

And to create a database that is talking to a remote server

(require '[cravendb.remote :as remote])
(def instance (remote/create :href "http://localhost:8000"))

Beyond this, everything described is the same regardless. The in-memory storage is primarily so that tests can be ran quickly and so that we can try things out in the REPL without worrying about making a mess.

This instance is "closeable", and should be closed at the end of the application/test/whatever.

(.close instance)

Obviously this means we can run our application in a with-open block quite happily

(with-open [instance (embedded/create :path "somepath")]
  (our-app-code instance))

Basic operations

Basic operations supported by our database can be found in the namespace (cravendb.database) although most of the time we won't be using this; each operation in this namespace is atomic and syncrhonous in nature.

Storing a document

(require '[cravendb.database :as db])

; PUT /document/doc-1 
(db/put-document instance "doc-1" { :hello "bob" :address { :street "jekyll street" } })

Loading a document

(require '[cravendb.database :as db])

; GET /document/doc-1 
(db/load-document instance "doc-1")

Deleting a document

(require '[cravendb.database :as db])

; DELETE /document/doc-1
(db/delete-document instance "doc-1")

Next, we might want to look at Bulk operations