
A document database written in Clojure


Build Status

This project is maintained by robashton

Bulk operations

While there are a pile of methods in the cravendb.database namespace we could use to play with this database, they are not really going to be used by most clients.

What we have is the notion of a "transaction", which is supposed to be used in per "unit of work" in the application (so per request or user action or whatever.)

We can open a transaction by passing in the instance we created - either embedded or remote it doesn't matter...

(require '[cravendb.transaction :as t])

(def tx (t/open instance))

To save a document to the datastore, we'd chain a collection of calls to this transaction. Documents can be any valid clojure structure, with nested maps and lists and sequences and symbols and things will carry on working tickety boo.

; Opens a transaction, stores a document and commits the transaction
  (-> (t/open instance)
      (t/store "doc-1" { :message "hello world" })

As can be seen, the transaction itself is immutable, and all the methods that perform an operation simply return a new version of the transaction with the operation attached to it.

Loading a document from the transaction is quite simple too

; Assuming we have a transaction called tx, this will load our saved document
  (t/load tx "doc-1")

The transaction will attempt to show the current state of the world as if the transaction was already committed, this means that uncommitted documents that are a part of this transaction will be returned from 'load' calls.

; This will return the document because it is part of the current transaction
(-> (t/open instance)
    (t/store "doc-1" { :message "hello world" })
    (t/load "doc-1"))

Deleting a document

(-> (t/open instance)
    (t/delete "doc-1")

In the same way above, a transaction will return 'nil' for documents that are marked as deleted as part of this transaction.

; This will return nil because the document is deleted in this transaction
(-> (t/open instance)
    (t/delete "doc-1")
    (t/load "doc-1"))

More than one change

Obviously we can now do more than one change at a time, and this operation is atomic too.

; This will return the document because it is part of the current transaction
(-> (t/open instance)
    (t/store "doc-1" { :message "hello world" })
    (t/store "doc-2" { :message "hello alice" })
    (t/store "doc-3" { :message "hello bob" })
    (t/delete "doc-4")

Playing with this

The best bet is to load up the REPL and get a feel for how the transaction and database work together. Using the in-memory persistence is best for this.

Once comfortable with these basic crud operations, we might want to go and look at querying